
Sunday, February 24, 2019

WBCS Polity and Constitution MCQs Prelims and Mains

WBCS Prelims MCQs Polity - History, Features, Preamble P1

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1. During which of the following periods did the Constituent Assembly deliberate upon and finalize the Constitution of India?
(A) December 1946-November, 1949
(B) December 1947-November, 1949
(C) November 1946-November, 1949
(D) November 1947-November, 1949.

Correct Answer: [A] December 1946-November, 1949.
Explanation: The first session of Constitution assembly was held in the Constituent Hall, Delhi in 9th December 1946. The Constitution was adopted on 26th November in 1949. The calculation of total working days is 2 years 11 months and 17 days.
2. What does the term 'sovereign' imply?
(A) Free from territorial disputes
(B) Free from control by any international body
(C) Free from external control
(D) Free from internal control.

Correct Answer: [C] Free from external control.
Explanation: In Polity the term 'Sovereign' means a bounded territorial region, which is completely free from external control. For example, India is a sovereign country, it does not under the suzerainty of any other country. The term 'Dominion' is the opposite term of 'Sovereign'. Dominion country means the country is ruled by the people of the country, but the supreme authority is held by some other country. It is similar to an Autonomous College under certain University or an autonomous university which follow the rules of UGC.
3. What is the chief source of political power in India?
(A) The Parliament
(B) The Constitution
(C) The people
(D) None.

Correct Answer: [C] The people.
Explanation: In the first line of preamble it is declared that 'WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC'. So, The people of India is the main source of political power. It is the main features of a democratic country we people will decide who will rule the nation.
4. The Preamble to the Constitution declares India as
(A) a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic
(B) a Federal, Democratic, Republic
(C) a Sovereign, Democratic, Republic
(D) a Socialist, Democratic, Republic.

Correct Answer: [A] a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic.
Explanation: The other important words of the preamble are JUSTICE, LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY, Unity, Integrity. The date mentioned in the preamble is the 26th day of November 1949
5. India's political system is
(A) Military
(B) Dictatorial
(C) Democratic
(D) None of these.

Correct Answer: [C] Democratic.
Explanation: The term ‘democracy’ is derived from Greek words, which mean rule by people, But rule by people is not viable for a country so representative of people will rule the nation. The representative may be elected post or dynastic ( monarchy i.e. ruled by king or queen). So, there are many countries which are democratic in nature but not a republic like, England, Japan etc these are technically a monarchy ruled country. India is a democratic republic and multi-party government. China follows a unitary form of government.



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